A Powerful Vision for Virtual Sets in 2021.
Watch this compelling side-by-side comparison of in-studio and finished Virtual Set footage.
Virtual Productions are Mainstream
These days, Virtual Sets are everywhere from “The Mandalorian” to the local TV news. Emmy award-winning producer and virtual visionary, Richard Janes, told the Chicago Tribune, “The future was definitely moving this way anyway… but with the streaming wars and COVID happening at the same time, everything has been fast-tracked.” We agree.
The Future of Production
“I think going forward (it’s) going to be less about the actual location and more about if soundstages and experienced crew are available,” Janes said. We agree again. Fortunately, at Cobalt, we’ve got a leg up! As the first to offer this Virtual Production technology to the public on the East Coast, we’re experts in the technology, and we can help you bring your vision to life—safely and convincingly.
New Jersey leads the nation in safe shoots
and Hoboken is closer to midtown than Brooklyn.
If you haven’t shot in NJ lately,
there’s a lot to catch up on.