Explore our complimentary tools, amenities & extras.
With our vast equipment inventory and comprehensive capabilities, we’ve been compared to a Swiss Army Knife—and yes, we do have a corkscrew. From our onsite scissor lift to our well-stocked woodshop, our space is equipped with thoughtful amenities that we offer our clients, gratis, for productivity and convenience.
All-in-one efficiency.
Cobalt’s turnkey soundstage includes a level of access and support that’s rare in the Industry. All our tools and amenities are hand-selected by seasoned professionals who understand precisely what’s needed to deliver the optimal turnkey client experience.
Comprehensive and cutting edge.
We’re early adapters – always investing in cutting-edge production tools. In particular, our motion control tools and Virtual Backlot are the most diverse and extensive on the East Coast. Schedule a tour today to explore the creative possibilities.